Young people, below the age of 25 years, resident within the Parish of Netherhampton, who may require financial assistance towards their educational needs, are entitled to apply for grants from Netherhampton Educational Charity (formally known as the Netherhampton Groves Educational Charity).

As a guide, the Trustees will usually adopt the following criteria and principles when considering the award of grants from the Charity’s Funds:

  • The Trustees will look favourably on grants to assist children of the Parish to attend the Netherhampton Manor Farm House Nursery School.
  • The Trustees will consider financial assistance to students attending university, colleges of further education or other institutions of further education, including professional and technical courses.
  • The trustees will consider grants for clothing, tools, instruments and books to assist applications to pursue their education.  They are especially interested in extra-curricular activities (including the study of music and other arts) not provided by an educational establishment.
  • The Trustees will also consider grants towards travel (including school trips) which, in their view, will be of future benefit to the applicant.

Please note the Trustees have agreed that, with the exception of the Netherhampton Manor Farm House Nursery School, applications for non-state school fees will not be accepted.

The above grants are dependent upon the amounts available annually from the Trust.   However, the Trustees anticipate the fund normally expects to have up to £3000 available annually.

A full extract of the rules for the application of the income for the Trust, which is approved and registered with the Charity Commission, is available upon request.